速報APP / 商業 / Macola 10

Macola 10





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




Macola 10(圖1)-速報App

No longer are you constrained by office walls for “doing” business with this new Exact Macola 10.3 app. Gone are the days of waiting for approvals because an executive is traveling or “out of office”.

*This app is a mobile interface to Exact Macola 10.2, and not a standalone application. Users must have a licensed copy of Exact Macola 10.2 to use this app. Alternatively guest users are welcome to try the app using the demo site.

Macola 10(圖2)-速報App

An intuitive interface means app users can access contacts and accounts, place customer orders, check inventory, run reports, access documents and more all from their Android mobile device. Taking your business mobile means meeting the demands of customers better and faster. Propel your business forward anywhere, anytime.

The high level features available in the app are as follows:

· Calendar

Macola 10(圖3)-速報App

· Workflow

· Documents

· Reports

· Accounts (customers and suppliers)

Macola 10(圖4)-速報App

· Contacts/CRM

· My Accounts Near Me (Proximity)

· Lookup Inventory Levels

· Enter Customer Orders

Macola 10(圖5)-速報App

· Workspaces

Macola 10(圖6)-速報App